04 May 2020

Conundrums and questions

I open my email and there is one from an animal rights group asking for donations, with a story about someone beating a pregnant dog to death. What is wrong with people??  Who does that?  What kind of sicko?  Wait, it gets better.

In Stillwater, Oklahoma extremists actually threatened people with guns for wearing masks to protect themselves from the corona virus. Yes you read correctly, they threatened people for wearing masks because that was seen as disloyal to Trump.

The US has been successfully nazified.  The dictator can do anything he pleases, there are no limits, no accountability.  The legislative body, Congress, has been rendered ineffectual and is now a rubber stamp for fascism. The executive has told states that they must kiss his ring in order to be allowed medical supplies during an epidemic. This is real.

It is done.  There is no more United States.  Now what?

Now we are each charged with finding the most effective and creative ways of non-co-operation.  We are each the keeper of our own conscience.  What does yours tell you?

I know I will have to get past this heartbroken feeling, and somehow I will.  My own tiny contributions keep me sort of sane; having something to do that speaks to people, my radio show. It's not enough, nothing is enough, but together maybe all of us can be enough.

15 March 2020

How're you doing?

We are well into the coronavirus outbreak. I’m hunkered down, like most folks, with hopefully enough food for a few weeks and actually some peace and quiet. Will this be “the big one”? Cannot know. Is this virus man-made? Cannot know. All we really know is how to slow/stop the spread, and we know that for most people this will not be fatal. I have heard it called a “cull” by a friend, as the elderly are most susceptible. I have heard it called a “cull of 1%rs” as well. Cannot know. It certainly appears that the US federal government is seizing the opportunity to kill off poor and elderly people through cuts to heat (in winter!), food, and access to health care.

Certainly many of us must be reflecting on our lives in a moment like this. Have we been an asset to the world, or a liability? Probably some of both for most of us. I have endeavored to make things better for people and for animals and plants through my learning and “work” activities. I have also driven and flown and eaten etc. and been one of those consuming the world. Does it even out? Does it matter? Cannot know.

Cannot know. In the face of mystery, lack of information, or lies, people tend to make up their own stories based on their own beliefs, their own cosmology. Sometimes, in the face of mystery, humans breathe it in, open to it, allow their fear to dissipate and just experience What Is absent the mind and it’s judgments and decisions. Just awareness, it is freeing.

It’s a given that the politicians are lying and protecting themselves. It’s obvious that there is yet another huge transfer of wealth from the people to the oligarchs here in the United States. Is that happening elsewhere? The bailout of the US banks is yet another sham. 99% of us will not see a penny of that and in fact we are paying for it. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this virus resulted in finally casting down the greedy usurpers, the psychopaths in power, the liars and false prophets of religious extremism? What an opportunity we have! All we have to do is not co-operate with them anymore. It’s that simple. Stop paying student loans and taxes and mortgages and...everything. Let it collapse, and we will rise out of the ashes of capitalism and build a world that is just, and where the aberrations of greed and racism and sexism and war and ecocide, are abolished. This does NOT mean we destroy our world, just the opposite. It means we save it.

Remember that all truly revolutionary acts are acts of love. Take your love of life, feel your love of creation, and stand up for it. This is a moment.

29 February 2020

Leaving Facebook once and for all

Facebook is increasingly blatant about it's support for Trump, the ongoing enabling of nazis and other extremists, the fake news Facebook insists on publishing...there is no integrity in the Facebook organization. Because of this Paradigms will be closing down it's Facebook pages and groups at the end of March.  We stopped advertising on Facebook last year and urge others to do the same. 

The next month will be spent doing the usual, promoting shows, but also continuing to explore just how Facebook is part of the destruction of the United States.  

Zuckerberg, you are a traitor to your country. Your shame should cover you for the rest of your life.

The decision to leave Facebook has been coming for some time. Facebook is increasingly a destructive force in the world and the way to stop it is for people to abandon the platform entirely. Stop the money flow. Otherwise the greed of those who profit from Facebook will continue to drive this destructive dishonest force in our world.

Facebook maintains policies that allow dishonest political ads, paid for by Russians and the Trump mob, BECAUSE IT'S PROFITABLE.

I urge everyone to stop any paid advertising on Facebook, and to stop clicking on any paid ads on Facebook.

10 February 2020

Oh the irony!

Today I am thinking about the disgrace of Trump presenting Limbaugh with the Presidential Medal of Honor. A man with no honor presents another man with no honor a Medal of Honor.

It's beyond disgusting. The hypocrisy, the egoism, the perversion. Both Trump and Limbaugh are obscenities.