16 May 2024


Injustice and cruelty do not just happen, they are the result of choices made by people. When someone cuts a plume on a graduation cap, or drops a bomb on a house with people in it, shoots up a school, or uses a deadly pandemic for personal political gain, etc etc etc these are choices made by people, they are not accidents, they are not random acts.

We are each responsible for our choices. That means we must each fess up to ourselves about the damage we cause, and we all do. Drive a car, fly in a plane, use anything plastic...that is causing harm. Pollute to create electricity...that is causing harm.

When I was younger I wanted to live off the grid, grow all my own food, the whole nine yards. Now I am older, I don't grow any of my own food these days, I work online...I'm shaking my head.

This human existence, the ways that we live, the ways that I live, so many points of imbalance. It pains me and I know many feel this way, yet this is what we perpetuate.

I have no solution. I'm writing this, naming this, as part of my own processing, my response to this mornings information, and yesterdays, and anticipating tomorrow's.

Kindness is also a choice. Honesty is also a choice. Compassion is also a choice. Creativity, curiousity, respect...

Have a great day! ❤️

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