17 May 2008

This post is in response to Shahar's comment from a few days ago.

I think probably everyone has different reasons for getting married. The couples I have married all seem to do it because they want to be married to each other. What that means to them, I cannot say.

I have never been married so it's ironic that I act as priest in wedding ceremonies. The weddings I have done have all been fun and sweet and my intention in doing them is to offer a kind of supportive energetic as the couple takes what is for them an important life step. My job is to priest the ritual as I would any ritual, bringing my best and making a space for the mystery to be experienced. I've been to weddings where people spent tons of money and ones where people spent very little. It is an interesting practice, marrying. I really am not sure why people do it. I do think, though, that if it is something two people want, to marry each other, analyzing it can be useful and can also be useless. If one wants something, does one have to understand it rationally 100%?


Anonymous said...

My aim is to ofcourse to see am I missing anuthing :)

I don't feel the need to marry, and this makes me different.

I am trying to go deeper and see whee this "marriage" thing came from, and why two people would like to celebrate their love in this fashion.


Unknown said...

Hi, Shahar -

here's why I did it:

18 years ago just about today, after living together for a year and a half, I said to Donny, "You know, I'm a U.S. citizen. Maybe we should get married." So we did.

then again, we're weird, too. maybe someone else can give you a better reason. :-D