Today is the ninth anniversary of my mother’s death. Two days ago was the ninth anniversary of my mother being struck down by an intruder, probably some poor recently released from prison schmuck come to rob her of her meager supplies and money. I remember, when I was small, my mother told me that after she died she would become part of everything. The memory has, for some reason, especially a feeling of the sky, so today I talked to my mother in the sky, in the trees, in everything. I’m listening to one of her favorite pieces of music as I write. Forest Flower, by Charles Lloyd. There’s a lot to say, and there’s nothing to say. I honor who she was by how I walk in this life, because I know that despite our generational and personal differences, both our lives are about honoring life and experiencing immanence. Onward Rita, who/what/where ever you are...
24 August 2013
14 July 2013
I don’t feel alone in being deeply troubled by the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin. It’s a shock and at the same time it’s a reminder of the numbness that has become the hallmark of the United States. This is a country whose “leaders” send robots to murder children, whose “leaders” have poisoned the soil in Iraq creating millions of birth defects and immense suffering. I could go on and on listing just the violence against children around the world that is perpetrated daily by Barack Obama and his cronies in Congress and on the Supreme Court. And now George Zimmerman, the cold blooded murderer of an unarmed teenager, walks free, and can even have his gun returned to him, the gun he murdered a 17 year old boy with. What is the proper response to this? Is it to focus on the obvious racism of both the court, the jury, and the defendant? Is it to focus on the larger issue of how the United States murders brown skinned children daily? I know there are many with vengeance in their hearts, but I also know that leads nowhere. Passivity is also not an option. At what point will enough people in this country refuse to cooperate? Is Barack Obama planning martial law and mass internments? That’s the rumor, but it was rumored about Bush also. We know Obama has a kill list and orders the murder of citizens of this country, as well as citizens of other countries. We know that the government is listening to every phone call, can access every email, and can track anyone with a cell phone. The big picture is daunting, chilling, appalling. But back to George Zimmerman, I wonder if he has any conscience. Does he care that he took the life of another person? Or is he an empty shell, an animated body with a mind and no soul? There seem to be a lot of those around these days. I have no answers, just questions and grief over the tragedy, the travesty, and the waste.
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9:05 PM
31 May 2013
Summer is here! It's in the 80's in Vermont, after a long cold winter. Halleluja! This Sunday, June 2, will be the final episode of Paradigms for the season. The guest is Graham Hancock, author and archaeologist and visionary. The interview was very interesting and fun, I think you'll enjoy him. It will air Sunday June 2 at 8 PM EST streaming on WBKM and at Paradigms.
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7:51 AM
12 May 2013
I am excited about tonight's radio show! The guest is Kisten Tynan of the Fully Informed Jury Association. We had a great conversation about what FIJA is and what it does, the history of jury nullification, the for-profit prison industry, and what we, the people who may be called to serve on a jury, should know about Juror's Rights. This includes information that judges will misinform you about, amazingly, as part of routine jury instructions. This is actually very interesting and significant and provides a way for citizens to reign in runaway government. I hope you'll listen because this is stuff everyone should know. Of course there is great music mixed in with a "Justice" theme. The show airs tonight on WBKM at 8 PM EST and the podcast will be available at Paradigms and in iTunes.
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1:08 PM