15 November 2017

Deer Crossing

This morning I was watching the river that flows by the place where I live, and on the other side of the river I saw a family of deer, buck doe and fawn.  The doe went first into the river to cross it, then the buck, then the fawn.  The doe crossed, the buck crossed, but the fawn was caught in the current and nearly drowned, and ended up turning back and barely making it out of the river.  I watched with trepidation.  I hoped the fawn would make it across safely, but it didn't.  It got out of the river and walked along the bank until it was out of sight.

Right before this happened a friend and I had been talking about how nature doesn't intend harm even in it's roughness, while humans can actually intend to cause suffering in others.

My stomach lurched when I thought the fawn was going to drown...watching a baby die, not exactly a good time, but it didn't die while I was watching.  I wonder if/how it will be reunited with it's family?

26 March 2017


It snowed this morning, and I just saw my first mosquito of the year.

It's been a wild ride since my last post; the inauguration and all that has happened since, have brought up so many thoughts and feelings, watching the US' descent into more madness than I have ever seen here before; the much needed hard slap out of complacency that I am so grateful for.

I won't dwell on the political situation, we are all well aware of the rise of naked fascism heralded in by the man with the orange hair and his truly evil henchmen.  I will say, however, that watching his presidency flounder and fail so quickly is gratifying beyond words.  We are far from out of the woods.  There is a LOT of work to do on many fronts, not least of which is that there are members of the administration whose depravity is loud and clear, and these people must go, and will.

But even with all of that horror, and the emboldening of the knuckledraggers committing their hateful acts of violence in the name of racist sexist xenophobic ignorance and cruelty, I know that they are already losing.  This country is a lot bigger than Germany, with a lot more people and a lot more momentum building daily in resistance to fascism.  As I said we have a lot of work in front of us but people are stepping up!

I have a bit of a reputation for seeing and naming the downside of things, but really I am an optimist.  I know, some of you reading this may be laughing and shaking your heads, but it's true.  I am also a realist and I see things, so I say what I see...and right now I see people of all ages, colors, religions, economic standings, mobilizing, participating, refusing to go along with the fascist tide.  It's encouraging, heartening, and it's real.  This attempt to turn the US into a nazi state is failing.  We are hearing the death knell of old white patriarchy.  It isn't going quietly, but it is going.

So take heart, be strong, make contact with others who share your wishes for beautiful life to defeat the ugliness of the death eaters, and if you need to scream and vent out your pain and anger, do it! You are not alone.  We are not alone in this, we have each other, no matter how hard the political machine tries to tell you that you're isolated, it's just another of their lies. Dream your dreams of love and life because that's part of how we make them come true!

14 January 2017

Deep winter pre-inaugural...

In 6 days, barring unforeseen events, Donald Trump will become president of the United States.

Fear is not a big thing for me, I tend not to be afraid of much, and when I am I face it and move through it.  Trump terrifies me.  I envision night time raids, and gangs of violent nazis on the streets.  Some of it has already happened, with gangs of Trump supporters, in cities, brutalizing gay people, women, and people of color. Whether it's my own Jewish heritage, or past life stuff...whatever...this hateful violent groupthink is scary and appalling.

A few nights ago I dreamt an amazing dream.  In the dream I was presented with scenarios of human emotion and drama, and each time a scenario was presented for me to react to or engage with, I remembered that I was dreaming, and that I didn't have to do anything I didn't choose, so I didn't.  "Next!"  Scenario after scenario came and went. I woke up a few times during the night, remembering the dream and feeling elated, and then went back to the dream again, to more scenarios and choices.

The current situation, with an avowed fascist about to ascend to the presidency (we've had fascist presidents before but none as blatantly so as this one), is certainly a human scenario with enormous potential for drama.  Since the election we have already seen both an increase in hate crimes by Trump supporters, and an increase in response to hate crimes.  Towns across the country are proclaiming "Not in our town!" with regards to prejudice, hatefulness, bigotry and violence.  As the Republicans in Congress proceed with their agenda to deny rights and resources to the people while enriching themselves, communities are rallying in support of Planned Parenthood, Black Lives Matter, LGBT causes, and more.  It's encouraging to see that the majority of people in this country are NOT fascists, do NOT support Trump and the republicans, and more and more people are becoming activated.

It makes sense, actually, that as we are poisoning the biosphere at an ever increasing rate, fear will drive people to more and more extremes, the Trump election being a case in point. Each of us has the opportunity to examine our relationship with our feelings and reactions, and to make the best choices we can.  It seems to me that the more extreme our reactions and responses, the more we will be "fanning the flames" of the human drama. Is that the healthy choice?

It has always seemed to me that my job as a human here and now is to witness and to reflect back what I am seeing.  Through my radio show I have endeavored to reflect back inspiration and compassion, and I think I've succeeded at least to some extent. It's still my job to witness and reflect back, but something has changed, is changing, in that and I am not sure what it is yet.  It will become evident in short order, I think. Stay tuned!

This blog entry is intended to support you, the reader, in seeing your choices and what role you choose to play in this next scene form the human play.  Shakespeare said it well in his play "As You Like It"

      "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players..."

The thing is, we get to write our own parts.

Paradigms is taking this week off...no episode, but there will be a new episode airing on January 22.

21 December 2016

Solstice Day 2016

Having dreamt through the long night I awoke to the pre-sunrise quiet, and thought about how to not be ruled by the shadowy nature of what's happening in the US, but instead to remain steadfast in favor of love and compassion, even if it means my own demise.  I won't lie, I find it scary that fascism is rising as it is not only in the US but in many countries, and I do have thoughts that involve my use of force against the nazis, but then I'd be like them, and I choose not to be.

Refusing to be a monster is a choice that is always before each of us, every moment.

20 December 2016

Solstice Eve 2016

It's Solstice Eve, and purportedly the longest night in 500 years, certainly the longest night for another turn around the sun.

It's the dark long night and I find myself feeling the shadowy quality of these times.  I read a document that came out of a national Police union describing the new policies that will be put in place when Trump is inaugurated. It chilled me to my marrow.  If Trump and his people have their way this country will become a place where blood flows in the streets on a scale we have not seen here...except...this country was founded upon violence against the people who were already here, and violence against people brought here enslaved. Consider that this shadow nation is finally emerging and showing itself, and we are on the cusp of it's eruption into full manifestation.

21 November 2016

Terrorist governor and sheriff in North Dakota

Last night the terrorist sheriff's department in Morton County North Dakota used water cannons on elders and others in below freezing temperatures. One elder had a heart attack.
The governor of North Dakota is Jack Dalrymple, a corporate whore to the nth degree. He is owned by the oil companies. Sheriff Kirchmeier is another terrorist. He and his department should all be rounded up and imprisoned for committing acts of torture.
If you haven't yet taken a stand, DO SO NOW! Call YOUR senators and let them know this is unacceptable. There is no point trying to call these terrorists themselves, their lines are busy and they don't give a shit, but contact people who can hold them accountable.
This is happening NOW in the US...government thugs in service to oil companies committing acts of violence against peaceful people.
Take a stand!

14 November 2016

Counteract hate, be proactive!

Here is something you can do in YOUR community to counteract the emboldened knuckledraggers...
Whatever Trump believes, his rhetoric over the course of the campaign has given all kinds of permission to haters (racists, sexists, anti LGBTQ, anti immigrant, anti Muslim, anti Indigenous, and more) to act out.
Communities set their own standards of decency. It is through our everyday speech, through what we stand for, what we participate in, what we accept and do not accept, that we set the standards of our community.
Are there folks in YOUR COMMUNITY who would be interested in a weekly vigil that focuses on messages of support FOR indigenous, people of color, lgbtq, women, Muslims, immigrants etc.? Broadcast this very specific message of support, not rage or fear...create a space of support for people who are being targeted.

27 October 2016

US at war within itself right now in North Dakota

Right now militarized police from numerous states are aggressing upon the Water Protectors in North Dakota on Native Treaty Land. All cell phone coverage has been jammed. There is no live video coming out right now, it's all jammed.
This is how a totalitarian state operates. Make no mistake about it, Obama is allowing this. This is an act of eco-cidal insanity. Understand that what we call the US Government is an occupying force representing a financial and fossil fuel elite cartel. The elections are false. The economic system is rigged. The various "law enforcement" agencies serve the elite...not you and me. A racist apartheid system is entrenched in this country, and most white people will deny that because they are insulated from it.
Your high Obamacare premiums and deductibles, your out of control student loans, climate change, police killing people daily...and so many more ills we see in our society, these are all symptoms of the corrupt system that rules this country. It's very clear that the upcoming presidential election is a farce. What will it take for there to be massive non-cooperation? We need a general strike in this country and we need it now.

14 October 2016

Autumnal...and Starhawk!

Paradigms this week features the author Starhawk, talking about the new audiobook version of The Fifth Sacred Thing.  Starhawk and I are old friends so we have an easy rapport, and discuss many things of interest; the Standing Rock action, what "sacredness" is...she gives a great explanation...and more.

It's grey and rainy, there's a chill in the air.  The corporate news is full of election foolishness.  The independent media is full of stories of corruption, impending nuclear war, and just general awfulness.  I find that my best response is to sit quietly and watch the rain and the river, the birds, the dog, and just enjoy being part of this.  

26 June 2016

Brexit and...

What I see in the Brexit vote, as well as in Trump and Sanders supporters, is that people are yearning to live in societies where they feel safe, where their basic needs are met, and then some; where there are opportunities to learn and be productive and to enjoy life.  Some of that is framed in false nostalgia for that which never was,  but all of the xenophobic and racist rants are basically saying that, albeit in a thoroughly ignorant and deluded way.  The Berners are saying that too though, in more altruistic and hospitable ways.  The neocon/neolib establishment is saying NO, only the few can have that, most of you must eat shit.

What no one is saying is that if we continue to trash the biosphere NO ONE will have any of that goodness.  The overcrowding many in Britain feel is going to be everywhere because we continue to grow our population.  The hunger and thirst of the so-called "undeveloped" nations will be everywhere because we are urbanizing  and degrading farmland, and wasting/polluting water, at alarming rates.

Humans are often at their best when things are at their worst, so perhaps we are setting the stage for a magnificent unification of the humans into a great blaze of consciousness that makes living in bodies unnecessary. Maybe we'll come together, remain corporeal, and stop our destructive ways.  Maybe we will make a desert of this whole planet.  There are many possibilities.

28 May 2016

Melody's Archipelago

The last few episodes of Paradigms have been dealing with life and death and strife.  In the upcoming episode we return to our ever-present focus on the creative process conversing with Melody Parker, who has just released her first CD Archipelago.

Asking artists about their process can go any number of ways.  For some it is like asking the centipede how they coordinate all those legs...it's stultifying.  For some it's like diving into the deep end of the pool, or swimming out to the depths.  That's what it was like talking with Melody Parker.  She gave no easy answers, uttered not a cliché, and took long pauses (which I edited out of the podcast) sometimes between thoughts.  This is a person who is actively engaged in plumbing their own depths.  Kudos.

When you listen to the episode you'll hear some of the music from Archipeligo, and you might notice the different qualities of sound and instrumentation and rhythm from song to song.  The water theme is ever present, as is that personal "don't-fit-in-a-box quality that is part of Melody's personality.

Sunday May 29 at 8 PM local time on WBKM in Burlington, Vermont.  The podcast goes live then also at Paradigms.Life.
Wednesday June 1 at 11 AM local time on KWRK-LP in Fairbanks Alaska  
Sunday, June 5 at 9 AM local time on KPOV in Bend Oregon

20 May 2016

What is a revolutionary?

On this week's Paradigms I talk with Ahmed Salah, author of the recently published book You Are Under Arrest for Masterminding the Egyptian Revolution: A Memoir. In his book Ahmed describes how his upbringing in a political family shaped his world view, leading him to become an activist for democracy in Egypt. He recounts his activities as a non-violent activist during the years leading up to and including the protests that led to the fall of Hosni Mubarak in early 2011.

The book is a good read.  It is engaging and well written.  It is a powerful document for anyone interested in liberation of any kind, whether it's your mind or your country or your world.  The vision and courage it takes to speak out, knowing that the consequences may be dire, is worth acknowledging and appreciating.

Right now in the United States we face a less physically extreme but no less significant possible turning point in our political process, and what is expected and tolerated from leaders. I hope that most of the people have the vision and courage to stand up for ethics, and for the greater good.  It is time for this country to redirect itself towards peace with the rest of the world, including making peace with the planet Earth.

Ahmed is now living in San Francisco.  Among his accomplishments is bringing his experiences in Egypt here, and sharing with us so that we can all learn and be inspired as we effect changes in this country.

08 May 2016

Driving with Zack and Bees

Zack and I just got home from a 7 hour drive...3.5 hours each way...to pick up a box of bees!  As soon as we started back after getting the bees I noticed a few flying around in the car.  They had gotten out of the box.  Zack didn't seem to mind and I just didn't have any fear response.  They seemed troubled and were flying against the rear windshield.  I turned up the A/C and got into relaxed driving mode, and 3.5 hours later we got back home with no stings. I felt a very delicious calm for most of the ride.  No music.  No windows open.  Zack was very attentive to the driving.  Occasionally he'd look back at the bees but then eyes front with a big smile. Zack is a dog, for those who don't know.

When we got home I brought the box out to where the hive is set up, behind a big rock as a windbreak, with a bush on the sunny side so as not to be too hot, and with the river about 20 feet away. I did what I was told, uncorked the box and let the bees out, then put the frames that were in the box into the hive I have set up, put the top on and put  the baggie with sugar syrup on top, with some cuts in it. There were a lot of bees in this box with the 5 frames, and they were all coming out of the box when I uncorked it...then when I took the lid off the box, wow!  Thousands more!  The cool thing is...no fear, and no stings.  Zack is fascinated and wants to check them out.  I suggested he let them get settled into their new home first.

I love the character "The Melissa" from Starhawk's "Fifth Sacred Thing" trilogy.  The Melissa is a priestess who communes with bees, and has become part bee in a way.  She works with bee energy and bee substances in healing, as well as "bee mind."  I am feeling a whole new exploration coming, for me, with bees.

05 May 2016

Cancer, Medicine, Faith and Community

This week's episode of Paradigms, and next week's (it's a two parter!) focus on the experience of Dave and Rebecca.  At 35 weeks pregnant Rebecca was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in March of 2015.  Since then she has had a baby, undergone numerous different cancer treatments, been a catalyst for community, and worked with faith and prayer.

I've known Rebecca and Dave for some time, not super well but in the context of permaculture and spiritual community.  I've been following their story, if you will, since the diagnosis.

In these two episodes of Paradigms Dave talks about what happened.  He tells the story from before the diagnosis to the present.  There was too much for just one episode so I decided to make it a two parter.  The first part will air this Sunday, May 8, and explores a lot of the story, what happened when, stuff like that.  The second part will air May 15, and goes into some of the more esoteric and community based aspects of Dave and Rebecca's experience.

Rebecca chose not to be interviewed, but with her consent Dave and I spent some time together via Skype, and he told the story.  We shared funny moments, tearful moments, and joyful moments.  Tune in and let this story of love and commitment inspire you.

14 April 2016

Notes on the April 17 Paradigms

This week's episode will be among many people's favorites!  Sha'an Mouliert, my old friend and fellow GMTI colleague, tells some of her story.  Sha'an started out in Queens, New York, and has been living in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont for quite a few decades now.  Listen to the episode and I think you'll enjoy her very much, and of course the music (which Sha'an picked!) is excellent.

This episode follows a theme that Paradigms has been actively exploring for 7 years; Justice.  Whether it's racial, gender, sexuality, economic, ability, environmental...Justice (and I use the capital "J" on purpose) is an elusive goal which, while we may never fully achieve it, as Kinan Azmeh said on last week's show, we must keep striving for.

09 April 2016

Kinan Azmeh on Paradigms April 10, 2016

This week's Paradigms features Kinan Azmeh.  Kinan is a clarinetist and composer.  He's from Damascus, Syria and currently resides in New York City.  I enjoyed our conversation very much.  I found Kinan to be a thoughtful, wise, deep thinking person, whose musical talent is informed by his intelligence and ethics.  His music is not run-of-the-mill and you will probably find yourself exploring some less-traveled territory in your own awareness, while you listen.

Paradigms is now available on 4 venues!  It's very exciting.  I make 4 customized episodes each week. Three get call letters; WBKM, KPOV, and now KWRK-LP, and there's the Podcast. Soon there will be more radio stations broadcasting Paradigms to more people; more inspired inspiring stuff on the airwaves!

Next week's episode will feature guest Sha'an Mouliert who is  long time friend and someone I have done co-work with.  Sha'an will be telling some of her personal story about how she came to live and work in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.  Sha'an is African American and the Northeast Kingdom is 99% Euro-American.  Sha'an has been doing racism awareness and healing from racism work for many years and was recently awarded The Presidential Medal of Freedom from Lyndon State College in Lyndonville, Vermont.

If you know people who you think would enjoy Paradigms, please share the link http://Paradigms.Life with them, or this blog post.  The mission is to reach as many people as possible with inspiration!

08 April 2016

North America, North Africa, How do you do?

I've been thinking about how people from North Africa, the area many call "The Middle East" were not in my awareness much when I was growing up.  I knew that Israel existed and that there were other countries that didn't like Israel, I didn't understand why.  I was brought up with virtually no religion, so understanding that other people had religious beliefs that led them to go to war was completely bizarre to me.  It still is. I had no idea that gasoline was made from oil that came from that part of the world.

Now in 2016 people from North Africa are much in my awareness, and many more are here in the US than were in the 1960's when I was a child.  There are people from that part of the world who have moved here to this land, who identify as Muslims, Christians, Jews, and other religions too.

Certainly the advent of air travel has contributed to people moving around the world, but I've been thinking about this in the context of balance.

The various oil and drug cartels based in "The United States" (I put that in quotes because I just can't take it very seriously anymore, nations, when we know that corporations are calling the shots) have invaded, killed, pillaged, and exploited the people and the lands in that part of the world relentlessly for over 100 years now.  It seems fair and just that we should thus experience an influx of people and culture from the area "we" have exploited.  It's karmic justice.

The western propaganda machine has so vilified our brothers and sisters in North Africa, the way this universe seems to work, it makes sense we would now be living the scenario of being with those same people so we can learn who they really are, and they can learn who we really are ("they" and "we" being huge generalizations).  It will take time but, as has happened countless times in human his/herstory, eventually the perceived differences will become less important, and will dissipate, people will intermarry and have children, and the differences that people feel so strongly about now will become memories.  This is generally how humans do it, unless one group rises up and kills the other group, that happens too, but hopefully less and less.

So the upshot of this is...my message to people who talk about "Islamification"... this our western culture has created this situation by warring and oppressing.  Just something to think about, especially when vilifying "the other."

30 March 2016

Republicans imploding!

We are seeing a number of states governed by republicans getting ready to implode.  

Arizona, with it's oh so blatant disenfranchisement of citizens regarding the right to vote...from the governor on down there is obvious culpability.  In Alabama the governor, a family values republican, now caught in an affair with a co-worker...he is about to tumble as his the entire top of Alabama's state government. Kentucky's new governor is accused of election fraud, though nothing seems to be happening with that at the moment. Rick Snyder, who is responsible for the poisoning of thousands of people in Michigan, will be facing some serious reckoning one way or another in the near future (my personal favorite is street justice for a scumbag like Snyder)...the governor of Indiana just signed a law requiring women to pay for the funerals of their aborted fetuses, and it goes on and on.  

The republican party is about to implode nationally. Christofascist laws and policies are being rolled out willy nilly however most of the actual PEOPLE seem NOT to be in favor of laws that enshrine hate and bigotry. The US is on the cusp of actual progress, or of slipping back into some of the worst human nature has to offer. It's tense! Even though Hillary Clinton is intent upon stealing the presidential election no matter what, it's clear already that, if there were an election right now (a fair one) Sanders would be elected by a huge margin.

I believe that the majority of people living in the US want to move forward with protecting the environment, maintaining a secular state, keep jobs here rather than outsourcing abroad, have schools that actually teach young people, have access to medical care not just medical insurance, have access to wholesome food that is not full of poisons; this list could go on and on.

The only thing standing between humanity and living in a wonderful peaceful world are people who wish to control others, whether it's through religion or economics or indoctrination. We know who those people are, we know they are at the top of the economic and religious pyramid schemes that run so many countries including the US. It seems high time to take back our power from these parasites, don't you think?

23 March 2016

We don't have to allow ourselves to be screwed!

Have you ever been overcharged by the bank or credit union you deal with?  Have you ever been overcharged by a doctor? Have you ever been ripped off by what should be an honorable institution like a bank or doctor or utility or any other service that is pretty much a necessity in this society?  I bet you're nodding vigorously!

I am one of those people who just can't stand injustice. I campaign for justice in much of my life, so when I encounter this kind of chicanery it really gets me going.  I am sharing this with the intention of encouraging others to not allow themselves to be screwed.

Recently the credit union I was banking with charged me for overdraft fees that were not legit.  The funds were there, but they charged me anyway.  I made a stink, filed a grievance with the state agency that regulates banking, who forwarded my complaint to the federal agency that regulates credit unions.  It took about 6 weeks but the credit union called me, apologized, and paid me back.  This experience led me to wonder, how many people are charged fees by banks and credit unions...$25 here, $50 there...that are not legitimate? I bet it ends up being millions of dollars a year.  If it happens to you, you have recourse!  Your state has an agency that regulates banking, and you can contact them, file a complaint, and they will have to deal with it.

Currently I am dealing with a situation with a doctor who charged me $500 for a 10 minute consultation that involved looking down my throat with a scope.  The outcome was that I was told to drink more water.  $500 for 10 minutes?  You have got to be kidding.  Whether a person has insurance or not (I do not due to a snafu at Healthcare.gov which is hopefully being resolved) that is wild overcharging.  That is the kind of overcharging that creates hugely inflated medical costs all around.  Why is this tolerated?  I have filed complaints with the Medical Board and the Consumer Protection Agency of the state I am in, Oregon.  The Medical Board replied telling me they did not find any illegal activity, but they keep the complaint and add it to the doctor's file.  I have yet to hear from the Consumer Protection Agency.

If we do not speak up when we are being ripped off, then we are allowing it.  I, for one, am not inclined to just allow this stuff.  These are minuscule issues in the bigger scheme of things, but the ongoing disenfranchisement of regular folks in favor of institutions is not healthy for people and not healthy for society.

I encourage you to notice when you are being ripped off, and to do something about it.  The mechanisms exist for holding institutions accountable, and it's not difficult to access them.  It can be tedious to fill out the forms, so some patience is required.  Outcomes are not fast, so again, patience is required, however when one is vindicated it is a great feeling, and hopefully the offenders learn from the experience and stop ripping people off!

So, if you are being ripped off by any provider of a service, you do not have to just take it.  You have the right to seek and to find justice!